O the Owl's introducing the premise of the game

O, the Owl, sets the introductory scene for the premise of "Nuts - A Dark Romance Game". 

All was quiet, in the still of the night. 

The nuts had awoken , and gave the squirrel a fright. 

The woodland inhabitants gained power to change form. 

From non-sentient to sentient, is this the new norm? 

How curious’, said the government, ‘Let’s observe this some more.’ 

A dating show would be full of interactions galore. 

You receive your summons, back to the forest you go. 

Pray, what awaits you there? It’s difficult to know. 

Friendship, perhaps? Love, maybe? 

The truth, if you seek it. God willing, all three? 

Go forth, dear Hazel-nut, the suitors await you. 

Be strong, be yourself, you will know what to do. 

The game development that went into this scene alone is incredible.  

Full credits to the team below:  

Sprite art (Owl): Shiroishi Website: https://shiroishi.carrd.co/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShiroiShi888 

Voice talent: Jason Hall Website: https://jjhal1926.wixsite.com/jjtryin... Twitter: https://twitter.com/JJ11818 

Graphical User Interface (GUI) design: Julian Cormac Website: https://linktr.ee/feralroyal Twitter: https://twitter.com/feralroyal 

Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming: Midge Itch: https://midge-the-tree.itch.io/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/midgethetree 

Programming: Gemmy Itch: https://gemmysystem.itch.io/ Twittter: https://twitter.com/GemmySystem 

Audio engineering: Elizabeth Kyriakdes Website: https://www.elizabethkyriakides.com/ Itch: https://elizabeth-kyriakides.itch.io/ 

Title screen art: Kyle Website: https://kyleechii.carrd.co/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/moonkipp_ 

Logo design: Kiley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kileycheyart/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/kileycheyart

Get Nuts: A Dark Romance Game


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Loved the game, I keep replaying it! Well done and thanks for my sexy owl guy <3


Greetings Pottermeriman,

How wonderful to hear from you!

O the Owl's response to you:

"Pardon? I've my first admirer? (blush) Why, thank you. Ahem, 'sexy owl guy', well, I, er, I suppose so. 'Replaying?' I do believe that is the highest compliment ever bestowed upon me. May we meet again soon, perhaps on a sunny day." 

Big shout out to artist Shiroishi who did amazing for the art of O the Owl.

Shiroishi, artist extraordinnaire: Website: https://shiroishi.carrd.co/ https://twitter.com/ShiroiShi888

Love to Jason Hall, who performed brilliantly as voice talent for Owl:  (Website, Twitter).

Where do we begin with O the Owl?
* Eyes: black sclera's (not whites of eyes, but blacks of eyes).
* Monocle: a wise owl usually has glasses, so a "nod" to that classic accessory.
* Wings: mighty and also allow the "double hug".
* Hands: sharp talons
* Fitted leather trousers.
* Feathers highlighting his adonis lines.
* And his abdominal muscles really ARE that pleasing.  

O, the Owl
"Pardon? I've my first admirer? (blush) Why, thank you. Ahem, 'sexy owl guy', well, I, er, I suppose so. 'Replaying?' I do believe that is the highest compliment ever bestowed upon me. May we meet again soon, perhaps on a sunny day."