Voiced Pronouns

Hey, Lila here. 
How cool is hearing your pronoun choice voiced by Shaun Mendum for Coco's route?
Wicked cool! 
Check out this video (5 min 10 sec) showcasing voiced pronouns. 

I'll showcase the game with voiced pronouns demonstration, then debrief the concept. 

This video is in three parts: 

1. She / Her 
2. He / Him 
3. They / Them 

I received incredible support from programmer Gemmy System for my pronoun conversion table. We ended up custom programming implement concept, but 100% worth it. 

Note: Acknowledge the game is a visual novel. Visually the main character is female. This game is part of otome jam, which by virtue is a female protagonist and male love interests. Thus, by default, the main character (MC) is female. 

But for me as game developer, it's not just about the looks. It's about your mind, your brain, how you think about yourself, how you self identify. That's the kicker, that's what's powerful and defines your entire being. What's really cool in my game, is not just seeing the words on screen, but I went a step further. 

You can also hear your pronoun choice audio by your ear too. A voice actor, compliments your pronoun selection choice and you are rewarded via audio by hearing your pronoun choice voiced. 

Full disclosure: Voiced pronouns is only for one love interest - Coco the Coconut Pirate Captain, dreamily voiced by Shaun Mendum. Props to Shaun Mendum, the amazing voice talent for coco the coconut pirate captain. Shaun did an amazing job, which you'll soon see. 

Summary of video showcase of voiced pronouns: 

She / Her: 
* Are ye claimin' me as yers, lass? 
* Aye, lass. 

He / Him: 
* Are ye claimin' me as yers, lad? 
8 Aye, lad. 

They / Them: 
* Are ye claimin' me as yers, me hearty? 
* Aye, me hearty. 


Credits: Spotlight on the awesome programming by Gemmy System, [Credit to Gemmy System, Programmer, for implementing the custom pronoun conversion table. ] https://twitter.com/GemmySystem

Main character Hazel the Hazelnut Farmer. [voiced by Tyanni Mah]. https://www.voicebytyanni.com/ 

Love interest Coco the Coconut Pirate Captain. [voiced by Shaun Mendum]. https://www.shaunmendum.com/ 

[Credit to Crying for Coco sprite art]. https://twitter.com/crying7763 

[Credit to Roka for Hazel sprite art]. 

[Credit to Julian Cormac for Graphical User Interface GUI art design - all art - text boxes, menu choices, main menu, everything] https://linktr.ee/feralroyal 

[Credit to Kyle for Title screen art] - https://kyleechii.carrd.co/ 

[Credit to Kiley for Nuts logo] https://twitter.com/kileycheyart 

[Credit Cara, Background artist] https://caralarracas.artstation.com/ 

[Credit to Elizabeth Kyriakdes - Audio Engineering - Mastering SFX] https://elizabethkyriakides.com/ 

[Credit to Midge for Programming - voiced lines asset implementation]. Itch: https://midge-the-tree.itch.io/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/midgethetree 

[Credit to Zapslat for Audio Background Soundtrack] - Zapsplat - Track 5 - A moment forever (Romance ends). https://www.zapsplat.com/music/a-mome... 


Thanks for watching! Have a great day.

Get Nuts: A Dark Romance Game

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